MediaWiki API result

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Specify the format parameter to change the output format. To see the non-HTML representation of the JSON format, set format=json.

See the complete documentation, or the API help for more information.

    "batchcomplete": "",
    "continue": {
        "qpoffset": 10,
        "continue": "-||"
    "query": {
        "querypage": {
            "name": "Ancientpages",
            "results": [
                    "value": "20111104085222",
                    "timestamp": "2011-11-04T08:52:22Z",
                    "ns": 0,
                    "title": "Accumulazione/Distribuzione"
                    "value": "20111104085222",
                    "timestamp": "2011-11-04T08:52:22Z",
                    "ns": 0,
                    "title": "Accumulazione/Distribuzione Speciale"
                    "value": "20111104085222",
                    "timestamp": "2011-11-04T08:52:22Z",
                    "ns": 0,
                    "title": "Advance-Decline Line e l'ampiezza di mercato"
                    "value": "20111104085222",
                    "timestamp": "2011-11-04T08:52:22Z",
                    "ns": 0,
                    "title": "Accelerazione e velocit\u00e0"
                    "value": "20111104085222",
                    "timestamp": "2011-11-04T08:52:22Z",
                    "ns": 0,
                    "title": "Absolute Breadth Index"
                    "value": "20111104085222",
                    "timestamp": "2011-11-04T08:52:22Z",
                    "ns": 0,
                    "title": "Advance-Decline Ratio"
                    "value": "20111104085222",
                    "timestamp": "2011-11-04T08:52:22Z",
                    "ns": 0,
                    "title": "Accumulazione/Distribuzione Smooth"
                    "value": "20111104085223",
                    "timestamp": "2011-11-04T08:52:23Z",
                    "ns": 0,
                    "title": "Agenzie di stampa estere"
                    "value": "20111104085223",
                    "timestamp": "2011-11-04T08:52:23Z",
                    "ns": 0,
                    "title": "Advancing Declining Issues"
                    "value": "20111104085224",
                    "timestamp": "2011-11-04T08:52:24Z",
                    "ns": 0,
                    "title": "Archivio delle citazioni del giorno"